Friday 1 May 2015

If You Know These 7 Little Secrets You Will Make Money Online Faster

If you want to start making any form of income online, and want the real truth, then you need to read this carefully.

Because what you are about to read will not only save your time, but will also save your frustration, unnecessary stress, money and energy. Most of the secrets you’ll discover in this little article are SIMPLE…and perhaps because of that …can be easily dismissed. I pray you don’t.

Some of these tips took me up to 4 years to discover. I wish I knew then when I started. It would have saved me time, money and a whole lot of stress.
Hopefully this article will help YOU.
Here are some of them.

1.  No Overnight Success

I have often gotten emails from people with these words. “I don’t have money, I am broke, please show me an online business that will make me N100 000 in 1 month.” Some people even say they want a way to make N100 000 in a week. When I get emails like this…I shake my head because people who send these emails don’t really know the basics. They have a wrong mind-set.

Here’s the thing.
Making money online is not a get rich scheme. Expecting to start something today and make millions in 2 weeks …is an illusion. It is possible but very unlikely. Especially for a total newbie.
There are no magic buttons online where you click and clean crispy $100 bills come flooding from the screen of laptop. So please kill the wrong mind-set. The truth is a real business needs to setup and needs to grow to really make money. People, who can make huge sums in a week, have other things in place. For newbies, this is unlikely to happen.

2. Sell Something

As simple as this may sound…this is the secret to creating wealth online.

Sell your own product or service.
Sell other peoples products and services as an affiliate.
SELL. Sell. Sell.

That’s why websites selling advertisement make cash.
That’s why people sell information products.
That’s why people selling freelance services on Fiverr and other freelancing websites, make cash.
That’s why I sell lots of information products.
If you want to make money online…SELL something. NEVER forget that. 

3. Invest In Your Education And Business

Making money online requires making investments. You have to invest money, time and energy. You need to spend money on web hosting, domain names, softwares, trainings and even coaching. You have to make some investments to success online. So if you have the mind set of doing nothing and money starts flying into your account, then you are gonna waste time and money. You will struggle and eventually fail.


You can’t make money online without getting a good education on online business. That’s why I invest in courses, softwares and services. I even have trainings for newbies too.

4. Focus

It’s easy to jump from idea to idea, business model to business model. I made this mistake when I started. I tried everything possible and because of that could not go far. You need to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Focus on 1 business model.
Focus on 1 niche.
Then push it till you succeed.
If you jump around, you will likely fail.
Only move to the next thing when you succeed with one already.

5.Network With Others

I have always thought I could make money online by just bulldozing through things and doing it all alone.
The reality is way different.
You need people to buy your products and services.
You need people to help you out sometimes.
You need people to guide you as mentors and coaches.
You need people to network with.
Frankly, I knew this late. But networking is important to succeed online. So join Facebook groups with fellow marketers. Connect with people on Facebook and on other social media websites.
All of these will help you make money online.

6.Build an audience

This is the most important thing to do online. Build your audience. Build your list.
It does not matter what business you are in. It Does Not Matter If You Run An Offline Business; You Need To Build An Audience. You can build an audience in many ways.
  1. Get your audience into a Facebook group.
  2. Build an email list
  3. A list of phone numbers
Just make sure you have a way to reach your audience easily. That’s how to make steady sales. 

7.Know How To Sell

This is bloody important too. You see, most people hate the word “selling”. It makes them cringe like they just saw a terrifying sight. Some people hate selling and marketing with a passion. Well, if you want to really make money online or offline…then you need to embrace selling.
Because without knowing how to sell, you won’t make sales. As Long As You Sell Something …YOU Need To Know How To SELL. You just HAVE to KNOW it.
If you must sell something to make money online…then you MUST KNOW how to sell anything properly.
And no…selling is not just about writing dumb adverts.
That’s where proper marketing and copywriting comes in.
So learn how to persuade people to BUY.
Spend time and energy on copywriting.
The end.
So if you are struggling to make money online, I bet you don’t have most of the 7 things listed about. Make a change.
Thank you
called from : Justnaira
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Thursday 30 April 2015

eBook ( 5 Ways To Make $100K A Year Online )

Discover the 5 different way of how to develop a success mindset, pick the perfect online business and earn big.
Exactly how you can turn your dream of earning 6-figures a year into a reality, broken down in a way that makes it achievable.
ways to earn 6 figures a year online.

Exactly which 6-figure business models I think are easiest and have the most potential for you.

 Turn your 6 figure dream into reality...

View Sales Page : $100k A Year
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Rank To The FIRST PAGE On Youtube Within 1-3 Days

Do you want more people to see your YouTube videos? Have you optimized your videos for search? If people can’t find you, they can’t watch your videos or subscribe to your channel, which hurts your search ranking.

With over 6 billion hours of video viewed each month, YouTube is a powerful marketing platform that your business needs to utilize.This shouldn't come as news to you. I'm willing to bet that you have an account and you've probably marketed your business with some videos. I'm also willing to bet those videos didn't get watched and you gave up on your efforts.

This is a common theme on YouTube. In fact, I've seen too many clients spend thousands curating great content that doesn't get viewed so they abandon their efforts entirely. The key to YouTube marketing is getting videos ranked in both Google and YouTube searches. This creates an automated flow of people finding your  videos with valuable keywords related to your business.

Why is YouTube Search Important?

Every minute, 100 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube. The site gets up to 30 million visitors each day. If you want to find a video, the first place you go is probably YouTube. Besides being the largest video resource online, YouTube is also the second-largest search engine (right behind its parent company, Google).

If you can tap into the traffic and publicity YouTube offers, you could instantly shoot to the top of YouTube’s search engine results. This article provides you with 3 tips I've accumulated to help you get more views by ranking your videos higher in Google and YouTube.


Part 1 - How to rank your new video to page 1.
Part 2 - Increase your traffic and leads using an amazing Youtube Tool.
Part 3 – Monetize your video and make money. Guide to make easy videos using PLR articles.

                                                           Part 1 

How to rank your new video to page 
Some people are struggling to rank their video but we’ve managed to crack the code to do this in short period of time. We are showing you 2 methods that will rank your video to the first page within only 1-3 days.

Method 1:
Before you upload your video, a box will will be there. You will see the choices of PUBLIC, UNLISTED, PRIVATE and SCHEDULED. (see the image below)

Now choose on the UNLISTED option. You may, or may not know this already, but I will explain to you exactly how it's done to stay on first page longer and how I did it to rank my video with 5 million searches on Google Keyword Tool. While uploading place your main keywords in the title. For the description, see method 2 first.

Method 2: Rank your new video to page one on low competition niches without any views.

Go to the last line of your description and type in the title that you used on your video. Type in the exact title you used. Press enter to go to the next line and copy your Youtube video's link in this format: https: // ww w . y outub e .c om / w a t ch?v=ID For the top part of your description, you can include anything relevant to your video. It will not affect this ranking method. For the tags, make sure you include your main keywords and add relevant keywords that relate to your video. Do not use keywords that are not related to your video. You should have a description that looks like this: Top part of description (Insert some keywords)
(Insert Title Here)
(Insert Youtube Video Link here)

The reason for including your Youtube video's link there is to gain backlinks from people who automatically scrape your Youtube video onto their sites. This method will rank your video for low competition niches to first page without needing to unlist your video or send views. You have to wait a few minutes so that your video will appear on the 1st page. This is may seem very simple but it does the trick to rank your videos to page 1 on low competition keywords. If it does not rank, the competition is not low enough. The best way is to combine both of these methods which will be more effective.

Method 1 (Continued)

Now that you have read the second method, we will apply both of these methods together. After setting your video to unlisted, and applying method 2, we need some views.

1. You need to send more than 301 views to your video.
2. You can share to your friends, or use a method that will help you get at least 301+ views. This is a free way to get views. The higher the retention (high watch time) of your views, the better your video will rank.
3. The way that was used to rank the high competition video on my sales page was by using a Youtube Views provider. Search for a good high retention Youtube views provider. Make sure they are providing high retention real views. Before I used my provider, I contacted them to check if their views were real. The Youtube provider that I used is - I am not advertising this service, this is just what I used. You are free to use any Youtube views service. They sell high retention views at $0.60 per 1k views. You only need 1k views to do this method. Sign up for an account and click on the Youtube Views section.

You should see this:

Make sure to click the “retention box” for high retention views.

After submitting your video for 1000 retention views, wait around 8 to 12+ hours for your video to start receiving views. Once your video has around 800 views, go to your video manager and edit your video. Set your video from unlisted to public. Wait a few minutes and check your keyword in the Youtube search. Your video is now on Page 1 for your keyword! If it is not on first page, you either missed some steps, or your keyword's competition is way too high.

How to stay on the first page:
The amount of days your video will stay on first page will depend on your competition and niche. There are also people who may outrank your video. If the people who watch your video watch it for longer time, it will have a high audience retention which will help your video stay on first page longer.

The key to having your video stay on the first page is to have a high quality video. Include elements that will interest your viewers and catch their attention. This will help you receive a higher retention for your videos. Also, make sure you use only Whitehat niches. Sometimes, in a high competition niche, your video may get flagged by competitors on purpose to get your video removed. This is why you use whitehat niches to make sure your video does not get removed. If it gets flagged and removed because of competitors, you still have a chance to appeal the decision. In part 2, I will explain to you how to use external annotations in your video that can link to your website without needing to use the description. This could decrease the rate of your video being removed by flaggers because your competitors do not see a link in the description and Youtube may not agree with their flags.

                                                           Part 2

Increase your traffic and leads using this amazing Youtube tool that you may not be aware of and stay on first page longer. I know you guys always include the term “See the link in the description below, or
Click the link on the description below” on your videos. Now I’ve managed to find out a new way to get people to click your links without using the description. It is called External Annotations.

What do External Annotations do?
It will let you link to your website using annotations.

People will be able to click on your link while watching your video, or at the end of the video. They will not need to click on the description. Here’s a good video tutorial on how you External Annotations work and how to set up. h t t p s : // ww w . youtube .c om / w a t ch? v = e yt E 4B U 9 A t k By using external annotations, it could help protect your video from flaggers because they do not see a link in your description.
Part 3 is on the next page.

                                                           Part 3

Make $100+/Day with Adsense Easy (Copy & Paste Method) The method is called copy & paste because you’ll just copy PLR articles and paste it onto your video.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Find articles that has top 10, top 50 or anything that has compilation of awesome things. For example, (Example only, not PLR)
Step2: Copy the article and get relevant pictures. Please see the sample to see what your video would look like - Sample:
Step3: Now open up your video creation tool such as movie maker, camtasia and etc. I use camtasia for creating videos.

Step4: Paste the articles and pictures that you’ve copied a while ago.

Step5: Now go to your Youtube channel and click creation tools > Audio Library

Choose the music that you like and add it to your video creation tool.

Step 6: Once you’re done with your top 10 video and have successfully ranked it, upload it and set the Monetization on. If you don’t know how to set the Monetization on your videos and channels go to this site for tutorial.
Here’s the sample again:
Here’s a big channel that is making a lot of money.

Final Remarks:
Now that you know how to rank your videos to the first page within only 1-3 days, allow people to click links on your video using External Annotations and given you a method to build your own niche. It’s up to you on how much money you can make out of these great methods.
Thank you, and good luck!
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Saturday 25 April 2015

Discover How To Make $1000 Per Day Online With This Stupid Simple Authority Cash Machine System

Image credit: Themefuse
Discover how to make $1000 per day online with this stupid simple authority cash machine system.
The 1 website you can visit today to instantly see hundreds of profitable niche market ideas right before your eyes.
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Thursday 5 March 2015

Binary Options Trading ( Types Of Binary Trading Styles )

There are many different sub-styles of trading within the world of binary options. It’s really important that you try and narrow your focus as a trader, even within a type of trading that is so simple.The more focused your  trading is, the easier it will be to master a small portion of the market, and this will help you to increase your correct trade rate. This is a key component of being successful over the long run and will be a big boost to your profits as you learn more about binary trading.

Here are few of the major types and styles.
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Binary Options Trading ( How To Start Trading )

Hello Guys, Today i want to talk about a platform almost everybody must have eventually heard about but don't know how it works. ( Binary Option Trading ). Before i start my teachings, i want you to know that Binary Option Trading is different from Forex Trading but kind of similar.

Binary Option Trading is one of the fastest way and easiest way to make lots of money online but its kind of tedious to know how it really works. Some people believe it doesn't work but am here to tell you that it works so well. Am presently undergoing a month training which
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Sunday 1 March 2015

16 Different Ways to Become a Reputable Entrepreneur

I had the chance to meet some extraordinary young entrepreneurs from an 18 year to 30 year old venture capitalist who are leaving their marks in the world. In this article, I will share with you 16 steps they took in order to become very successful, despite their young age. In my recent survey, I realize that lot of people are interested in doing business but do not really know how to go about it. If you really want to make things happen for you as a person wanting to be an entrepreneur, here are some of the things you must start doing.
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Tuesday 24 February 2015

Poultry Farming (How To Set Up From Scratch And Operate A ProfitablePoultry Farm)

Hello guy and welcome to this wealth of information. Hope you are gaining one thing or the other from my articles so far. Sometimes ago i wrote an article about poultry farming on one of my blogs ( and had over 20,000 people that share the article, this makes me to realize that their are many people that really do have interest in poultry farming. Well, am not surprised because it is really a lucrative business. This is what am also doing and i know how much am earning monthly from birds. I will also share this article here for you guys.

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Saturday 24 January 2015

How To Start Mini Importation Business With As Little As #20,000

Lately there have been lots of business going on all around the internet about Mini Importation every where and am going to show you guys how you can start and successfully run a mini importation business with as little as #20,000 and make it upto #350,000 monthly.

I have been online for quite some time and i have learnt how generating income using the power of the internet works. Do you know that you can start and run a successful
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Friday 23 January 2015

Fiverr (How to open a fiverr account the right way)

Hello guys and welcome to my blog. I know most of you would have heard about fiverr but do not understand what it is or how to make money from this site and Recently, People from different countries have been calling me on phone, text and emails to ask me how to be making money on fiverr. Before i outline the different ways to make money on fiverr and other stuffs, i will love to give you guys a better understanding of what fiverr is and how it operates.
Fiverr is a website or let me say it is a platform where people can buy things for as low as $5 (#1000) and it is reachable on Fiverr as a website got it’s name from the words “five” and “dollars”. The concept is clear even from the name “fiverr”.

To give a better explanation for a newbie, Fiverr is the name
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